产品概述 Product Description 数控重型卧式车床系列,适用于加工高速钢、硬质合金钢等材质的工件,对黑色金属、有色金属和部分非金属的轴类、轧辊类和盘类零件,进行车削外圆、端面、切槽、切断、镗孔、螺纹、曲面和圆锥面等工艺。机床床身采用整体三导轨,拖板与床身导轨之间采用贴塑结构,伸缩式钢板防护罩全封闭防护,机床采用下排屑方式,排屑方便,刀架横向采用滚珠丝杠,纵向采用高精度齿条及双齿棒消隙结构,提高了刀架的传动精度。机床还具有单独油泵,强制润滑,以及快速移动、终端保险等功能。转速、进给量和功率特性等设计合理,均能很好地满足多种零件的粗精加工需要。 我公司设计研发的CG61--系列重型卧式车床,主轴箱重新设计和优化,利用三维建模和模拟运动后的主轴箱运转更加稳定,换挡变速更加平顺,档位更加丰富,转速范围进一步扩大。 其次,自动走刀系统的集成。变频器和伺服电机的使用促使了机床自动化水平的提高,同时进一步提高了机床精度,降低了故障率,提高了操作的安全性和便捷性。 本机床承载能力大、刚形强、外形美观、操作方便能够车削各种零件的内外圆柱面、端面、圆弧等成型表面,是加工各类轧辊的理想设备。 Heavy Duty Horizontal CNC Lathe Series are widely used for turning not only the non-ferrous metals like various structure steels, casting steels and irons, but also the external/internal cylindrical / conical/ spherical surfaces, thread of non-metal materials and all kinds of the surface of curve rotary body. This machine bed adopts three supporting structure with good rigidity. Designing flexible lateral chip removal system with good performance. Platered structure is adopted between the machine bed guide rail and drag plate. The lathe also has telescopic steel shield/cover to protect the lathe. Besides, this lathe adopts inclined chip removal system with convenient chip removal method. The horizontal direction of cutting tool carriage adopts high precision ball scew. The longitudinal direction adopts high accuracy rack and double tooth rode elimination structure, which improves the transmission accuracy of the cutting tool carriage.This machine is equipped with separate oil pump with excellent lubrication. The tailstock movement adopts mechanical device with reasonable rotation speed, feed rate and power. This kind of lathe has high rigidity, efficiency, energy-saving, easy operation and attractive appearance. CG61 series Heavy Duty Horizontal Lathe Machines designed by my company adopts new-designed and optimized headstock, which utilizes 3D motion simulation to make the spindle box runs more stable. And this design shifts the gears more smoother. And expand the rotation speed range Secondly, integration of automatic feed system. This lathe is installed variable frequency converter and servo motor to improve the automatic level of the machine. Meanwhile, it improves the machine accuracy also and reduce the malfunction of the lathe. Besides, it greatly improves the safety and convenience of the lathe machine。 This lathe has large bearing capacity, strong rigidity and beatiful appearance and easy operation. It is an ideal equipment for machining various steel rollers. 产品实拍 Product Pictures 产品尺寸 Product Dimensions 产品参数 Datas