产品概述 Product Description 数控重型轧辊车床车床主要可承担各种车削工作,能够车削各种零件的端面、外圆、锥面等工艺。机床主轴采用三支承结构,具有很好的刚度;采用侧排屑方式,排屑方便。机床还具有单独油泵,强制润滑,以及快速移动、终端保险等功能。尾座移动采用机动移动装置。转速、进给量和功率特性等设计合理,均能很好地满足粗精加工需要。机床具有刚性强、效率高、节能、安全可靠、操作方便和造型美观等特点。 Heavy Duty Roll Turning CNC Lathe can machining not only the end face, ex-circle surface, but also the conical surface of various work-pieces. This machine adopts three supporting structure with good rigidity. Designing flexible lateral chip removal system with good performance. This machine is equipped with separate oil pump with excellent lubrication. The tailstock movement adopts mechanical device with reasonable rotation speed, feed rate and power. This kind of lathe has high rigidity, efficiency, energy-saving, easy operation and attractive appearance. 产品实拍 Product Pictures 产品尺寸 Product Dimensions 产品参数 Datas